Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Legions of Steel (Boardgame)

I had this game lying around for a very long time and apparently I was getting nowhere with it. So while cleaning out I decided to sell it. As it turns out no one wanted to buy it and instead I painted the minis and decided to give it a go.

At first glance it is a lot like Space Hulk and that was also the main reason why I bought it in the first place. The creators wasn't shy about their influence either and as I understand they played Space Hulk and thought they could do the same, but better.

U.N.E Marines entering the coridors of the Machines.

The basis of the game is much like Space Hulk. You play as a bunch of power armoured Marines from the United Nations of Earth (U.N.E.) but instead of battling Genestealers you fight off some Terminator looking robots.

I guess there is not much to say really. It is maybe a bit more tactical than Space Hulk, but I wouldn't say it is better or worse, just depending on what you like. It has a bit less of the Aliens feeling, but then we have Terminator robots instead.

Very Space Hulk looking.

Same set up, maybe a bit better photo?

WIP on the Machines.

Now I played this a couple of times and I would like to play it again. I don't know if it will be anything I will game on a regular basis, but then again I don't really play anything regularily anymore.