Thursday, February 25, 2021

Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition Challenge

Hi guys, long time no see I guess. It has been Covid times and it has really had both ups and downs here. As usual I have been busy with painting miniatures, playing miniature games, but also a lot of non miniatures related stuff.

The main reason I haven't really posted anything is that I haven't felt I had anything new to bring. I like to finish units, gangs or projects before showcasing and most of the time I have been stagnating before getting things all the way.

Eventually I hope to get a lot of small projects finished and use a bit more time documenting it all here.

In the meantime I have joined a challenge to paint a 1000pts Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition army in six months. Run by Dr. The Viking over at old school c0wabunga. You can visit there to see the basic rules of the challenge.

Below is my starting point and the description going along with my challenge.

Approximately 1000pts 2nd Edition Squat Army

I have been playing miniature games or painting miniatures for most of my life. Beginning back in the late ’80s/early ’90s with random RPG miniatures, then moving on to miniature board games like Space Hulk or Blood Bowl and eventually getting caught up in Epic Space Marine and Warhammer 40,000.

 For this challenge, I have chosen a long neglected project of mine: painting a playable Squat Army for Warhammer 40,000 2nd edition. I already have a few Squats painted to some degree. I have been using those for Rogue Trader skirmish, Necromunda and even a bit of allying to my Space Marines in Warhammer 40,000. But even though I have been holding on to most of these models for 20 years or so I never really managed to get on with them. 

I based my model choices for the challenge on what I found most iconic of Squats and also on my current collection – I don’t want to go out buying anything extra (yet…). I also stayed clear of most of the painted minis I had, only one Thunderer had to get included and he is not really 100% painted yet.  

I ended up with 2 Warrior Squads, 1 Thunderer Squad and 1 Exo Armor Squad. With the Exo Armor Squats being the most iconic of these I bought them a Termite transport to get them up front wrecking havoc in the enemy lines. To lead them I took a Warlord in Exo Armor. Here I am using an old OOP Bob Olley model from Fantastic Miniatures. He is a bit bigger and meaner than the old ones and seems perfect as a leader for my army. I also took a Living Ancestor, another iconic Squat model, this will give me an edge in the Psychic Phase. For support I had to take a unit of Bikes, a Thudd Gun and a Mole Mortar, bringing me up to a total of 1,011 points. If I combine this with my already painted models and a bit of wargear, then I think I am very close to 1,500 points and I still have a few more models to add later.

Here is the link to the 1st Wave: 2nd Edition Challenge Wave 1